Crom Marine : 114095
Artikelnr: CRO114095
- 14525: Orbitrade
- 18-7962: Sierra
- 3840525: Volvo Penta
- ORB114095: Replaced
- ORB14525: Orbitrade
Öppning: 2-3/4" to 4-1/4" Tandade käkar för bästa grepp Passar de flesta oljefilter
Öppning: 2-3/4" to 4-1/4"
Tandade käkar för bästa greppPassar de flesta oljefilterAutomatic clamping action Heat treated handle with ribbed design for strength Fits filters 2 1/2" to 3 7/8"
Automatic clamping action
Heat treated handle with ribbed design for strengthFits filters 2 1/2" to 3 7/8"Vinyl grip handle Studded band for better grip Removes most spin on type filters 3" to 3 3/4"
Vinyl grip handle
Studded band for better gripRemoves most spin on type filters3" to 3 3/4"Comfort grip handles Safety button locks in place Three different positions Fits sizes 2-1/4" to 3-1/2" diameter
Comfort grip handles
Safety button locks in placeThree different positionsFits sizes 2-1/4" to 3-1/2" diameterComfort grip handles Safety button locks in place Three different positions Fits sizes 1-7/8" to 4" diameter
Comfort grip handles
Safety button locks in placeThree different positionsFits sizes 1-7/8" to 4" diameter